28th March
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Mt 27, 46
Eli, Eli, lemasabachthani?
I will lift up the vast life
that is still your mirror:
every morning I will rebuild it.
Since you walked away,
how many places have become vain
and meaningless, equal
to lights in the day.
Afternoons that were niche of your image,
music in which you always waited for me,
words of that time,
I will have to break them with my hands.
In what deep will I hide my soul
so that I may not see your absence
that like a terrible sun, without sunset,
shines definitive and ruthless?
Your absence surrounds me
like the rope to my throat,
the sea to which it sinks.Jorge Luis Borges
source: pastoralsj
to reflect on...
Love is Jesus in the Cross...
He himself bore our sins in his body
upon the cross,
so that, free from sin,
we might live for righteousness.
By his wounds you have been healed.
to read...
Eli, Eli, lemasabachthani?
It's hard to read this outcry, which appears in both the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, without falling into despair. Jesus is in the greatest possible physical pain-and he also suffers in spirit, taking on the sins of all humankind. Though God's love is all-encompassing, ever-present, in this moment, Jesus isn't feeling it. He is giving voice to sorrow, to anguish, to anxiety, depression and sadness.
We are allowed to articulate our despair, to feel it fully.
source: believeoutloud.com